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Membership Details

Covenant - Types

Spiritual: This affiliation denotes spiritual covering whereby ICCM becomes the overseer to the ministry to provide spiritual guidance and direction, serve as the advisory presbytery for pastoral restoration, and provide wisdom and counsel in the direction of the ministry. The ministry is encouraged to tithe to ICCM to the best of the ministry's ability (Acts 15, 11 Timothy 3:16-17).


Legal: This affiliation denotes a ministry that comes under the 501(c) (3) covering of ICCM which allows donations to the ministry to be tax deductible. The ministry will have certain requirements concerning financial expenditures and record reporting to ICCM, as well as a monthly fee for such services.


Ordained: This affiliation is for individuals who have met the requirements of ICCM to be licensed or ordained. (Ephesians 4: 11) A renewal fee and application is required yearly; as long as the individual is under an ICCM license or ordination, he or she shall support ICCM financially to the best of his or her ability (Matthew 6:21).

Application and Acceptance

New Membership. Any church, ministry or ministries may apply for affiliate membership with ICCM Every such application shall be made on forms approved by the Directors. All materials submitted with the application by the applying church, ministry or minister shall become the property of ICCM and shall not be subject to return except at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


Application for Membership. The Board of Directors or such committees(s), person(s), or agent(s) it shall, by resolution, appoint after such investigation as may be desirable, may either reject or grant any such application for membership, provided that, in no event, may the authority for acceptance or rejection of applicants for regular membership be delegated. A certificate of regular or affiliate membership in the ICCM may be issued upon acceptance. The Certificate of affiliate membership shall be renewable annually.

Acceptance. The Directors or such committee(s), person(s) or agent(s) as they shall, by resolution, appoint are fully empowered after such investigation, as they may deem advisable, to deny the membership of any applicant for any cause which they may, at their complete discretion, deem sufficient.

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